When I fly into a city (which isn’t often) I love doing so at night. The mystery of all those points of light from my tiny airliner window is far more captivating than the neat grids of a daytime approach.

From that perspective, my recent visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, did not disappoint. Our two-hour flight from Nairobi, Kenya, occurred on a clear evening. The lights were beautiful, illuminating a modern city center with plenty of new, high-rise buildings.

(2) comments


Thank you Jared for sharing your experience. Hope is a state of mind that can grow and can change the trajectory of one's life if fostered and supported. In a place with very little to call their own, hope is all they have. This level of poverty is something many of use cannot grasp. Very small acts of kindness can change the lives of many and make our world a better place!


Thanks again for sharing another experience from your trip to Kenya and Ethiopia. In the United States most of us have very little understanding of extreme poverty and its effect on both body and spirit. To see that poverty first-hand is heart breaking in so many ways and calls us to much love through action.

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